The Hamilton Minute Archives


Friday, December 15, 2017
METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS Gurdon Wattles, in his book WRITING LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS, defines a metes and bounds description as follows: “A series of lines around the perimeter of an area known as a metes and bounds description” “Metes “ meaning bearings and distances ...

An Engineer in the Woods, Installment 7: A Final Goodbye

Thursday, November 30, 2017
  My sister-in-law, Marsha, met me at the front door of Joliet Area Hospice, “You should tell Mom that you and Kristen plan to move into the house.” Mom had been in Hospice for about a week and she had drifted between lucidity, blank staring, and sleep, depending upon the conc...

Is Construction Observation Important? I think it is!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Construction observation is one of the many services provided in the Construction Industry, but because it is not tangible, some may not appreciate the value of such a service, until the final product is evaluated. Construction observation (often mischaracterized as construction inspection) goes han...

An Engineer in the Woods, Recap... and Installment 6: Planned Change in Ownership...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
An Engineer in the Woods, Recap... In my limited spare-time I started writing my stories about our home in the woods about six months ago. The next four installments are sitting on the server waiting for their turns to be published, and I have a few others that are just notes and reminders that m...

America's Self-Defeating Cycle of Floods and Federal Aid

Monday, October 16, 2017
This article is timely, an important history lesson, and unfortunate glimpse into the future.  We have Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM) on staff and I am one myself.  In Will County, the County and most of the communities are very aggressive in controlling floodplain development, and ou...