Our Services

Flood Insurance

**Free 30 Minute Consultation on Flood Insurance and Letters of Map Change.


Hamilton Consulting Engineers, Inc recognizes the challenges property owners face when it comes to floodplains and the Special Flood Hazard Area.  No less important is Flood Insurance.  Required by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act and implemented by your federally regulated/insured (i.e. FDIC) Mortgage Company or Lending institution, flood insurance can be costly.

In many instances property owners were not required to purchase a flood insurance policy when they purchased the property.  However, sometimes the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) changes and that can result in floodplain being designated on your property.  Recent activity by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to update their maps to a digital version (DFIRM) is one such instance.  Property owners may now find themselves being required, for the first time, to obtain flood insurance after owning the property for years!  Other instances occur which result in an existing flood insurance policy being cancelled.

With decades of FEMA mapping experience and Certified Floodplain Managers on staff, Hamilton Consulting Engineers, Inc can help you by assisting in the completion of the required Elevation Certificate and Letter of Map Change application, which in turn are approved by FEMA and ultimately recognized by your Mortgage Company/Lending Institution allowing them to waive the requirement of flood insurance.







Graphic courtesy of valuepeguin.com                                                                                                     


We can be reached at:

Hamilton Consulting Engineers, Inc

